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Who We Are

Wellspring Classical Christian Community: our name communicates our most important values—

  1. Community: At Wellspring, we believe in the importance of active participation. This is not a drop-off program; every family has at least one parent present each week with assigned responsibilities. We rely on each other to fulfill these roles to ensure our co-op runs smoothly, so a significant commitment is essential.

  2. Christian: Our members uphold our shared values by signing our protestant statement of faith, which affirms both agreement and personal commitment. This alignment is crucial, as Wellspring serves as an extension of each family’s home education. Trusting that those teaching our children share our theological and worldview perspectives is vital.

  3. Classical: Our approach to education is rooted in classical principles, shaping both what we teach and how we teach it. If you’re new to classical education, don’t worry! We’re all on a journey of learning and refinement, and we warmly welcome novices to join us.